Saturday, December 28, 2013

Here I Am

I've spent the last five days in a frenzy of cathartic house cleaning and culling alongside my practical and very helpful mother. She and I had many good talks about many topics, including ways to re-engage with the world outside of my own mind and home.

The house is eerily quiet, as my kids and husband are in sunny California, visiting relatives. I opted to stay home with my mom, and then my sister, who both valiantly traveled from afar to take care of me while the rest of the family was away. Their kindness knows no bounds.

It was challenging reigning in my excitement at their arrival. For a day and a half, we were just the three of us, a first in about twenty years. We make each other laugh, and nothing is better than laughing so hard you nearly wet your pants, or, in the case of those of us older or who've had kids, truly wet them. Laughter is incredibly therapeutic. I need to get more of that into my life. That seems like a good resolution for new year's.

This year I'm going to be more modest. Add more laughter. Drop a few pounds. Join a sangha.

 So we'll see what happens.

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