Thursday, December 12, 2013


Today I saw a friend I hadn't seen in over a year. We had a lot of catching up to do. How do you talk about a breakdown to a friend? Stick to the facts, is what I did. I was a little bit nervous but mostly not because this is the kind of friend who will not see you for a year and then sit down and be right on the same page as you just like that. So it wasn't hard to talk to her about it at all.

She's seen her share of challenges and has an admirable resilience. She is a maverick right now, starting an arts organization for children with autism and their families and I think she's just brilliant. I'm very excited for her and hope to help her in some way, too. Reaching out to others is what it's all about. As a parent of a child with autism, she was meeting families at various meetings and service organizations and, already a teaching artist, put the two together to create her company. I am so excited for her.

When we need community, it's best to seek it out. It's so easy when you're depressed to do the exact opposite. I still struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I did today and I probably will again tomorrow. But then I spend a couple of hours with a kind friend and I feel just a little bit lighter, and more connected.

So my friend gave me some connection when I needed it, and for that I am grateful. I can't wait to see her again.

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