Saturday, December 7, 2013


Holidays are often difficult for us. Why is this? We seek to connect with one another and perhaps at this time of year it is all that much more important. I am in a fortunate situation in that I am getting the treat of seeing both my mother and sister this Christmas, which is a double delight. My husband and kids will be in California, a trip that is too arduous for me at this point in my current state.

I had thought that I would be fine with being alone for five days, but the quicker the date of Christmas looms, the more grateful I am that I will be with my mom that day. It was her idea to come out. She couldn't have picked a better Christmas gift. Then my sister will join us and she always brings fun, just like my mom does. So I feel very lucky and grateful that I have people I adore to connect with at this time of year.

And that's what Buddhism is all about, right? Interbeing, interdependence. No wonder I felt so happy yesterday, as I sat at my kitchen table with two parent friends while all of our kids played upstairs and we drank a bottle of wine. If I don't get contact with others, I wither, spiritually and emotionally. This is important to remember, especially when you are unemployed and a depressive. Connection is good, it's vital. Even doing this blog, I've reconnected with a few of my far away friends (I'm looking at you, J-Sun and Tiffany and Tim) and that has warmed my heart. I love knowing they are well and out there.

Connectedness is what keeps us whole. So here's to interdependence and sharing the load of joys and woes with others. As E.M. Forster said, "Only connect." That's pretty much the whole point of life, if you ask me.

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