Sunday, March 9, 2014

Saying Yes

I'm excited/nervous today because I have my first improv class. It's improv for beginners, because in spite of my years of professional performance experience in improv. I haven't touched that stuff in over fifteen years. Will it be like riding a bike, in feeling natural even after all of this time has passed, or will it feel new? I'm trying to enter with Beginner's Mind and not Hubris Head.

There's a great book called "Improv Wisdom" which I love and have gifted as well as received. It applies improv rules to daily life. It's very Buddhist in its "say yes to the present moment" tenets.

I hope to find a place of community at this class. But I want to be realistic: this is not going to be life altering, it just feels huge because it's the first big thing I've done on my own in over a year. No pressure. (Ha!)

So stay tuned for stories from Improvland. I'll be doing my best to stay in the moment, and in this moment, I am going to finish up here and go take a run to find my center, which I need to be balanced.

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