Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Just Show Up

My improv class went really well. I realized that I am very rusty and that my thinking is slowed down significantly since I was sick for so long. I feel as though I've been tinkering with an old car in the garage--I've been up on concrete blocks for over a year, and now I've actually got wheels on the car so I can go places. Holy shit, start the car!

The improv teacher is very cool, funny and nice. As are the people in the class, it seems. I had to concentrate more for those two hours than I have in ages. We had a lot of laughs and I can tell I am going to learn a lot from the class. In the entrance lobby there was a chalkboard with the message "You are ENOUGH". This is my kinda place! How Buddhist.

I hadn't known how this class would be, and this caused anxiety/excitement. Apparently there is much more to improv than I had, in my mild hubris, thought. I assumed that with two degrees in Theatre and a current job teaching improv to little kids that I might be "too advanced" for the beginner's class. Ha! Hardly.

There is long form and short form, not just what I called regular improv. There is musical improv and there is a format of performance called a "Harold" which can be the basic structure of an entire series of live or pre-written performances. Wow. 

So there is PLENTY I don't know, and I am glad to have "beginner's mind" again. It is fun to be doing something new and outside the house and just for my self-expression and happiness. It is turning Sunday afternoons into anticipated times, as opposed to dead air times.

So I am showing up, and I'm doing what others are doing, and they don't know what I've been through, and I don't have to tell them, and I don't know their details and they don't have to tell me. It's a clean slate, taking a class full of perfect strangers. I am going to learn a lot about these people, and, I'm sure, myself.

I just need to show up.

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