Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Being Now

Why is it so hard to stay in the moment? I'm asking because I truly don't know. We spend so much of our time ruminating about the pass or fussing about the future. Is that hard-wired and if so, how can we rewire it?

I think the answer does lie in changing our thoughts. Because we now know the brain has neuroplasticity, so that means you can teach an old dog a new trick after all.

I'm trying to stay in the moment, but what do you do when the moment is kind of uninspired and dull? I feel as thought I can't see the forest for the trees.

Yesterday as I was jogging, I noticed myself actually paying attention to being present, and it was aweosme. I was enjoying  something at the SAME TIME it was ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Wow. Those feelings are rare indeed. I hope to change that by trying to really tune in to whatever I'm doing it.

Like right now, I am writing this blog post, and I am in this moment in time. And it is good.

Just have to to keep chugging along and trying to stay in the NOW. Eventually, hopefully, my brain will catch up.

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