Monday, July 28, 2014

Drop the Rope

A new tween event seems to be on the horizon--the refusal to eat. I don't understand it, and it could drive you batshit, but I can't seem to get my kids to EAT at regular mealtimes. I know, it's the summer and the schedule is out the window, but the more I offer or push, the more they push back, sneaking carbs and waiting me out.

A wise woman once told me you don't feed your children, you "present" the food to your children and they either eat it or they don't. There's no forcing involved. Present the food and then get out of the way. A child will not willfully starve.

Because I think, especially at this age, kids want to be independent and can at times resent you for being too helpful or solicitous. At least, that's the vibe I'm getting from my kids, especially my eleven year old.

So it comes down to being in a tug of war where you just have to drop the rope and walk away. And wait. Because eventually the child will eat, the clothes will get put away, and the shower will get taken. All in good time. Patience is a must.

 Just drop the rope.

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