Monday, July 14, 2014


I'm doing more meditating. I find mindfulness meditation really interesting, since you follow your feelings instead of letting them float by like clouds like you do in what I guess is typical inhale/exhale sitting meditation. So with mindfulness meditation you, at least according to Sharon Salzburg, identify the feelings, deconstruct them, feel them out, so to speak. Then you can let them go.

On more than one occasion i've felt some tears flow down as I meditate, but the feelings don't destroy me. I have all kinds of bad thoughts and feelings and the key is that they end. They pass. They are ephemeral. It's like that joke about weather in pretty much everywhere but Ecuador--"You don't like the weather? Wait five minutes and it'll change."

So over-reacting to feelings and negative thoughts, as I have been wont to do my entire life thus far, is just not the way to go. I guess the opposite is under-reacting. Taking things in, looking at them, letting them go. I think I'm getting better at that, which is awesome because it prevents me from turning a wisp of something into some big drama with gnashing of teeth and public hysteria.

And I'm all for that.

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