Thursday, February 6, 2014

Gentler Words, Gentler Mind

It seems so obvious to me now, but I didn't realize how many of my interactions with my kids were simply orders or directions, or even judgements about how long they were taking or things of that nature. I don't think of myself as impatient, but I caught myself being short with my kids when there was no need to be. 

So I made a concerted effort to tread more lightly, and to find the positives (because there are always positives) and not just be the drill sargeant as I am wont to do as a parent.

It has already made a difference in the right direction. There is less tension in the house, drama between the kids is lower, and I feel like a decent person who doesn't bark at her kids.

I'm probably exaggerating about my negativity; I'm not mean and I don't say mean things or attack others verbally. But a cranky tone can set the household tone, and I don't want that to be the tone of my house. We only have these years when we are all under the same roof; best to enjoy them because they are whizzing by.

So a small attitude shift for me has already made a difference with my kids. That's encouraging. 

I'm also finally getting to interview to volunteer at the library. It's been weeks in coming and today I gussied up and am ready to go even though I have a good half hour or more before I need to leave. I'm excited and a little nervous, and also happy to have an opportunity to get out in the world again.

Wish me luck.

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