Wednesday, February 19, 2014


These past few days have driven home my new credo: health starts at home. Home is where the heart is, and it's where the soul is, and the state of your family depends on a harmonious home.

Our house hasn't been harmonious in over a year. The tumult of a new mental illness diagnosis and a botched attempt to work full time threw everyone in my family into a spin that we are only now beginning to recover from. (And yes, I know I ended that sentence incorrectly, it's just something you'll have to deal with.) (Ha ha.)

Today I made homemade soup and chocolate chip banana bread and I made another call to another place that I hope will help my husband and I to help our son with his high anxiety and OCD. I call that a good day. I did for others more than for myself and that is going to pay off in harmony.

I've been so obsessed with my own issues and professional future, I lost sight of the most important thing: family harmony. I'm not saying I won't ever work full time, but right now it is not a good idea for a myriad of reasons, primarily the fact that it would throw us back into tumult, which is the last thing we need after the past eighteen months.

I think by tending to our environment, I'm also helping with family comfort and positive well-being. So I guess it's sort of tending to your own yard before worrying about anybody else's. What a concept. I could end up baking cookies and organizing some drawers before you know it. But don't expect me to start embroidering a sampler anytime soon. I'm not Martha Stewart (and I never will be, much to my mother in law's chagrin). I mean, let's be realistic. 

Home is where the heart(h) is. Let's keep it simple.

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