Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Moving On Grown-Up Style

Another grown-up thing happened to me today. My neighbor approached me after a tiff of sorts estranged us from one another over a year ago. She just came up to me and spoke her piece/peace. I did the same. And now the pathway is clear again for friendship, or at least satisfactory getting along-ship. What a relief.

This whole acting like a grown up is boss. It feels like the air is clearing around me and I'm able to see better. I'm about to start reading David Richo's "How to be an Adult" which I look forward to. I loved his book "The Five Things You Cannot Change". I still refer to it on occasion because he distills such truisms in five categories:  there is pain in life, plans change, people are not loving and loyal all the time, everything changes and ends, and life isn't fair.

Just think of the social skills and grace you could achieve if you truly accepted these truisms. Think of how much happier you'd be! Well worth working on.

So I'll be curious to see how this other book goes. It's got a bit of a woo-woo type vibe, (a little Jungian, too) and doesn't appear as overtly Buddhist as much of his other work is. Maybe he wrote it earlier in his career, because he's pretty darn Buddhist in his newer work.

So we'll see where this takes us on this journey of discovery. It feels good to be making peace and getting on with things. 

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