Thursday, January 23, 2014


Well, I'm getting bored, so that must be a good sign. When I was really sick, I wasn't bored, I was just a lump. But I don't want to dive too quickly into another ocean just yet; my swimming skills are not up to par just now.

I have two different novels I've written that I'd like to do something with. (I know you're not supposed to end your sentences with prepositions, deal with it) I'd like to self publish but first I need the moxie to read them. It's a bit like seeing yourself on video or hearing your voice on a recording--you are both sure and not sure that the person is you, and you are shocked that this is who or how you sound or look.

With writing, I wrote in such a literal frenzy (NaNoWriMo--30 days to write a novel!) that I probably won't even remember parts of what I wrote. The writing process, at least for me in these two instances, was like a massive brain dump. I had no shortage of things to say.

It's the EDITING that's daunting. Guess I could just dive in and read a couple of pages a day. Keep it simple. Then I can consider self publishing or setting it out for critiques. I think it could be good for young adults. If I'm really serious about self-publishing, then I need to reconsider Facebook. Blorch.

I do not have a stable relationship with Facebook. I loathe it mostly and see it as a time-suck, but most everyone I know is on it, and if I have a book I'm trying to sell, I ought to have a page for it. I think you can make a page just for that, not just your personal page. Surely there are classes on this somewhere that I could take, or websites to walk me through the process.

So I have things in mind. I'm just trying to do them in slow motion. Trying to stay on the middle way.

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