Thursday, January 9, 2014

Just Being

How many of us, when left to our own devices, will truly just sit around and not think? I mean that literally. Plenty of people meditate, and that's sitting down and either thinking of one thing or trying not to think of anything and let stray thoughts float on by. And that's invaluable.

But that's not what I'm talking about. What do you do when you have "free" time? You instantly fill it. Isn't that what the Internet was made for? Sucking away time.

I check my phone and email multiple times a day, like many people. I don't do Facebook because I think it's depressing, but I do have a mild online presence and I do interact with screened objects every day.

But here's my example: I have ten minutes before I need to leave to pick up my kids from school. What do I do with it? Busy Brain would tell me to get a load of laundry in, or clean up a room, or do something "productive". But do we always need to be productive?

It can be scary to stare down ten empty minutes with no distractions. But I think it's worth trying, because you let your brain catch up to your feelings that way. It's easy to be busy all the time and never let yourself think or feel deeply, and for that you pay an enormous price. That's what I did this year and everyone around me felt it deeply and painfully.

So here's to sitting with yourself for five minutes. If you want to meditate, focus on your breath. Or just sit there, and do nothing. See how it makes you feel and how you respond to it. It could teach you something.

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