Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Resisting Change

I'm having a challenging time with this whole transition out of school thing. We're all at loose ends and not sure what to do with ourselves. Camps don't start until next week, and I want my kids to have free time to play and yes, be bored. (It's working.)

We are having a playdate this afternoon. It feels funny to call it that with kids aged 9 and 11, but that's what it is. It will involve my socializing as well, which is good for me, but as with everything else, a change. I've become so comfortable living my solitary-during-the-day-life. Now I have different demands on me and I have to remember that this is all fleeting.

Everything is ephemeral, and everything is born, and dies. So too with chapters in our lives. So while I may be a bit uncomfortable in this chapter, there will be another one before I know it. My challenge is to stay in the present moment and not worry so much about the future. This has always been my challenge and when there's change around, I get more anxious.

I was also reminded last night of how important exercise, vigorous exercise, is for me. If I don't get it, I get wound up pretty tightly. So even though the daily schedule is different, I still need to get my exercise and meditation in. I missed the latter yesterday and I could feel a difference. These two things are my salvation. The keys to mental peace.

So I try to roll with the changes, and if I'm comfortable, that's great, and if I'm not, oh well. Blink and the situation will be different anyway. I need to lean into the change, charge into it like a buffalo in a rainstorm. (They run directly into storms, unlike other animals, and as a result, actually become less wet. It's true.)

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