Saturday, June 21, 2014

Choo Choo

There is something incredibly soothing about taking the train. I'm currently on a five and half hour trip to be with my best friend for 24 hours and I'm loving it. There's wifi, verdant scenery, and enough time to take a nap if I feel the urge.

It's the ultimate in security in a way, because everything is out of your control. Rather than angsting on a plane or car or boat, on a train, at least, it's nice to sit back (and not get motion sickness) and not have to do anything. Let go, as it were.

Letting go is the hardest thing.

I'm constantly searching for a way to train my brain to LET GO. I'm reading various self-help books and more scientifically based on my condition. I have a new road on which to travel with my new diagnosis. Mindfulness is even more important than ever. And the ability to let go and just be is my goal and challenge.

Thank you, Amtrak, for a few hours of peace.

1 comment:

  1. I am dreaming of trains now. Amtrack has a residency for writers that I want to apply for. You sit on the train for certain periods of time for free and all you have to do is write. :)
