Sunday, June 22, 2014


Much of Buddhism centers around interbeing and interdependence. Never does that feel more real for me than when I spend time with friends and/or family. I'm coming off a speedy but excellent visit with my best friend. We can talk to each other about anything, and we do. We complete each other's sentences, we enhance each other's lives immeasurably.

While we speak on the phone weekly, nothing beats being together in person. I am always saddened when we part because we are so connected. I miss her all the time. I do, however, always feel connected to her, and not just because of the phone calls. I've known her for nearly thirty years, so she is simply a part of me and who I am. She improves my life so much.

I'm very thankful for her and for the sustaining relationship we have. I also feel very blessed (for lack of a better turn) to have great connections with my family, especially my mother and sister. We are all connected, too. And of course there's my amazing kids and awesome husband, who are my anchors in this life.

So hooray for connections. They make the world sing.

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