Thursday, May 29, 2014

And it Begins...

Well, the drama continues. My son had a rough day at school today, and was in tears at pick up time because "everyone expects me to do everything and I can't because of my cast". He feels ganged up on and that people are ignoring this limitation that he temporarily has.

I tried to comfort him with the fact that overall he is so conscientious and such a hard worker that people are used to being demanding of him, and may forget, even though it's staring them in the face, that he has a temporary disability.

It is so hard to watch him suffer, and feel him shutting me out. Is this tweendom beginning? He does this thing where he willfully obscures a subject. It's most vexing. He'll say he's hungry and not hungry and have a hangdog look about him. It's like he wants help but he doesn't. Hey, that definitely sounds like tweendom!

Is there a section in the bookstore for tweens in casts? Cause I could use a few pointers, no pun intended.

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